Ho Optometrist

Your Local Optometrist from 怡保……Ipoh….. Perak, Malaysia


Eyewear trends have evolved to an expression of personal style. How do you help customers to best determine their eyewear style?


Create a personal experience for them and know the trends, quality and brands that drive patients to your door.

That means after they’ve had an eye exam they stay to select eyewear or better, new styles and trends drives them to purchase new eyewear between exams.

  • First, know what styles look good with what face shape, and learn about the customer’s likes, dislikes and the brands that resonate.
  • When defining style, use the descriptions, the actual words that each brand uses – it defines the way that they create their styles, and it provides ways for you to best meet consumer wants.

For example, what do the following say about individuals? “Luxury and professionalism… an array of colors, shapes and monograms to choose from,” “… upwardly mobile and possess a dedication to tradition,” “… an absolutely unconventional luxury product with bright colors and cutting-edge design…” In each case it describes a look and a style that helps individuals define themselves and identify with specific brands.

Do brands have the same meaning in attracting customers?

Recent studies suggest that if it were the brand alone – consumers may be more fickle. So, your participation is more critical than ever. In fact, that goes for your own brand as well. Be sure that you are as modern and contemporary as the brands you carry. Your brand, the brands that patients identify with and your professionalism creates style that the consumer prefers.

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When patients complain that they need to lift their chin to read, it may suggest that the eyes of the EyeCare Practitioner, dotting pupil center, is consistently too low.

To measure the right height, two things are needed. First, the optometrist’s eyes must be at the same height as the patients. If not, the resulting ink dot will be too low if the optometrist’s eyes are lower. The reverse is also true – sit higher and the dot will be too high. It’s simple geometry. Look at this illustration. While it’s a bit exaggerated, see where the optometrist’s line of sight crosse the patient’s lens. Too low gets a dot that is too low, too high, fitting cross is too high.

Second, once you have a dot for reading seated, ask the patient to stand verify that the dot marked is also OK for walking around.

Third, remove the spectacles and advise the patient to wear it on again. Ensure that the dot is at the same location. If not, perform some minor adjustment to the frame for better fitting.

One all the above procedure has been done properly, you will most likely have a Happy Patient…..

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